Find out what's on The Practical Sort's mind today. The latest blog "3 Warning Signs You Might Be Stuck & 1 Quick Trick to Move You Forward" is now available.
Are you feeling like you are getting nowhere with the tasks on your to do list? Are you frustrated because your goals seem unreachable? When we are not achieving our daily objectives, many of us experience the same tension as being stuck in a traffic jam. Notice your physical and emotional reactions when you look around your home or scan your calendar. There is so much to do and scads of stuff to attend to. You might feel trapped like you do in an endless line of vehicles miles from the nearest exit. You are literally immobilized.
The Practical Sort looks at 3 warning signs that you might be stuck and a little trick to get you moving again to knock some of your tasks out quickly and easily. Check out the latest blog today to get you on your way to a more productive day.
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